Data Science, Quant Data, top 10-01-2024

Whose data is worth more?


Dan Averbukh
Whose data is worth more?

Data Science, Quant Data

Data with validated provenance is worth more. A lot more in some cases.


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The data marketplace suffers from severe and costly information asymmetries. These reduce the quality and value of available data.
Financial analysis will often yield incorrect results if the underlying data is not point-in-time.
Tamper-proof digital credentials reward hard work and guard the lives and reputations of stakeholders. Learn how to quickly and reliably create eternally verifiable digital credentials.
Ensuring integrity and trust: learn how blockchains can and should be used for data validation, data integrity and data provenance systems.
Knowing where data comes from is critical to understanding the data. This is particularly true for financial data due to its time sensitive nature.
Data with validated provenance is worth more. A lot more in some cases